PREM questionnaire

It has been nationally agreed that organizations that provide birth care (obstetrician, gynaecologist, maternity care, etc.) measure the experiences of clients. All organizations use the same questionnaire for this from 1 January, the PREM Maternity Care, which we developed together.

Every woman is offered this questionnaire, between 2-8 weeks after giving birth. It is a short questionnaire with 14 questions about what is important to you as a woman and useful for the healthcare provider. We ask questions about the experiences with care, for each of the organizations from which you received care: the obstetric practice, the hospital and the maternity care organization. You answer the questions on a simple 10-point scale with smileys. Finally, we ask for points for improvement and compliments. In addition, the questionnaire contains a number of background questions such as gender, age, place of birth, etc.

How does measuring client experiences work with PREM birth care?

– We tell you about the PREM and that your e-mail address is used for this. You can object to this. Then you will not be invited to complete the questionnaire.
– We will pass on your email address (unless you object) when you have given birth.
– You will then automatically receive an e-mail with an explanation and a link to the PREM questionnaire. You will receive this email between 2 and 8 weeks after giving birth.

What happens to the results?

The completed PREM questionnaires are used by various parties:
– The organizations from whom you have received care receive the national results and the results of their own measurements. This data is always anonymous. They can use these outcomes to improve the quality of birth care. By completing the PREM questionnaire, you therefore contribute to the quality of the organization from which you received birth care.
– All completed PREM questionnaires are securely collected by an independent research agency (Perined). She then shares anonymous results with various national parties who use the data, for example, to improve the quality of birth care. The independent research agency also shares the anonymous data with the national public database. The answers to the open questions are not shared with the national public database.

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