

  • 12+ checks on our practice
  • First appointment already at 8 weeks
  • On the Nicolaas Witsenkade or the Lindengracht
  • Multiple scans and examinations
  • Walk-in, evening and weekend consultation hours
  • A lot of time for your questions

You come to us so that we can judge whether the baby is growing well and developing normally. We also check whether you are healthy. In addition, we give a lot of information, we advise in practical matters such as acknowledging the baby or pregnancy course and we prepare you for the delivery.
And there is ample time for answering all your questions!

We check the development of the baby by:

  • feel to your belly
  • by size of baby
  • amount of amniotic fluid
  • location of baby
  • tension of the uterus
  • measure your belly
  • listen to the heartbeat of the baby
  • making an ultrasound

We check your health by:

  • measuring blood pressure
  • blood test
  • weight control
  • internal examination

Read more about how we follow the growth of the baby .

The first check

If you are 8 weeks pregnant you come for the first appointment. This intake interview lasts 45 minutes. Here we will ask a lot of questions to form a picture of your health, the health of your family and your wishes about the pregnancy. As a result, we will draw up a care plan together with you.

In addition to asking questions, we will also give you a lot of advice about nutrition in pregnancy and tell you which things you need to arrange and request during pregnancy. We also tell you about the possibility of prenatal testing in pregnancy.

The first ultrasound can be made at 7-8 weeks of pregnancy. This early scan is not a necessary echo. We plan the periodic scan at 10 weeks, so that we can do the most reliable measurement to determine your due date.

Follow-up check-ups

During pregnancy you will have approximately 11 follow-up check-ups. But more often if we need it or you like it. Each check takes about 15 minutes.
Up to 24 weeks of pregnancy you come on average every 4-6 weeks, then every 3 weeks until you are 30 weeks pregnant. From 30-36 weeks you come every 2 weeks and from 37 weeks you come weekly to check until delivery.

Family and friends are always welcome to come along.

More information can be found in the brochure 'Pregnant'

Hartjes spreekuur

(consultation hour for listening to the baby’s heartbeat)
For many women the first period of pregnancy is the most exciting (tense). Because you can’t feel the baby moving yet and complaints like morning sickness can get less after 12 weeks, some women start to worry whether everything is ok with the baby. Then it can be soothing to come and listen to the baby’s heartbeat.

We can let you hear the baby’s heartbeat from the 14 week of pregnancy . That is why we have a ‘hartjesspreekuur’ every week (a first in Amsterdam!). You don’t have to make an appointment for this. It is an extra service we offer outside your regular check-ups. It's at the Witsenkade location from 4:40 PM to 5:00 PM. 

The dates:

  • September
  • Thursday September 5
  • Thursday September 12
  • Wednesday September 18
  • Friday September 27
  • Oktober
  • Thursday Oktober 3
  • Wednesday Oktober 9
  • Thursday Oktober 17
  • Tuesday Oktober 22
  • Wednesday Oktober 30
  • November
  • Wednesday November 6
  • Wednesday November 13
  • Thursday November 21
  • Friday November 29
  • December
  • Wednesday December 4
  • Wednesday December 11
  • Tuesday December 17
  • Monday December 23

You can always come extra

With questions, complaints or problems you can always be seen by us in the short term, the coffee is always ready for you!